I'm a beginner bassist, but still I wanna share the gear I use in case it's useful to you. I started on February 2024, so bear that in mind.

My bass

My bass is a Yamaha BB234. I really like it, but it's not perfect.

Positive points:

Negative points:

Overall, would I recommend it? Yes, but for starting I think a cheaper bass would still be a great choice. I got a more pricey one because I want to keep it for a longer time before I feel I need something more professional, if that makes sense. In other words, I want to pospone selling it for as long as possible, since I don't like dealing with strangers.

And finally, a lil advice from my friend who is a luthier, bass and guitar player: get a bass that is 200€ or more, cheaper than that it'll probably suck ass, even for begginners.

Bass amp

I got a Fender Rumble 15. Sounds great. It could be cheaper, I say this because I'm certain it actually used to be cheaper, 20€ less I think. Oh well. Looks like Fender has an inflation fetish! (sorry).

Recommended? Yeah! But if you have enough space in your home.

Bass/guitar hanger

Mine is a Hercules GSP38WB PLUS AGS. It's solid and feels nice, but THE FOAM DYED THE NECK a bit which sucks, I mean I paid 20€ for it, for the love of god. It's supposed to be the best on the market... And the stain doesn't go away. I tried to clean it with alcohol like my luthier friend suggested, to no avail. So I covered the foam with soft cotton fabric so it doesn't get more stained, and it works, no more staining.

Do I recommend it? Dunno. I read that expensive instruments have a different finish and don't get stained, but take this with a grain of salt. If you wanna get it, COVER THE FOAM IN COTTON FABRIC.

Guitar hanger


I got a leather one. Sorry cow. These usually can't be adjusted to the exact length you want. I mean, It's like a belt, it has different holes where you can pass the strap and you can't choose the exact millimeter length you want. But they are not slippery at all which is very important.


The dude at the music store recommended me one that was 7€ and sounds great! The brand is adam hall.

Midi keyboard

Mine is a M-Audio Keystation Mini 32 MK. Feels good, though it doesn't have many extra buttons. I don't think they're needed for begginners anyway.

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